Thursday, July 17, 2008


Too weak to talk.
Thoughts stumble through my mind of how to act.
I want you to know I won’t hurt you; I want you to accept this offer of love; of acceptance.
I’ve lost many and surfaced few. You’ve hurt.
I want to wrap you in my arms and watch fireworks come out; the top of an empty parking deck; a bright-lighten night’s sky. To convince you of the possibilities. 
I want you to give me that chance that is so rarely given out. Your heart is weary of a conceptual love.
I want to claim you as my other half. 
You’re so enclosed. So intricately hidden with emotions, a tear wouldn’t shed if it wanted to.
I yearn the sound of your voice but pretend of its insignificance. 
I see beyond the surface of your painted-on smile. I feel a hurt heart. I see a broken soul that isn’t sure of it’s abilities.
All I wish for is the chance to see your heart smile.
“I don’t want mud-slinging games”.

I want you as you want to be. Not a pretentious stereotype of someone who craves the feeling of being unique; you’re unique alone. You don’t need me. My baggage. My emotions.

It’s impossible to break down the brick wall you’ve set up for me.
A beam of light isn’t seen. A harsh sound is muted. A potential love is faded.

Let it be. Let me in. 
Sometimes vulnerability is the only way to find a true love; a true friendship; a true companion. 

Fear is normal. Just don’t allow fear to become control. Don’t let go of your own instinctual truth.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Um. I love you. And we BOTH have blogger! awesome :)