Sunday, December 21, 2008

"It was you and me against the world"

I'm not sure what to talk about but I felt like blogging, and I don't have this set up for nothing sooo yeah. :]

I recently lost a friend; well, I guess he wasn't really a friend if he's willing to lose it that fast. I just don't understand the concept of being someone's friend and be willing to just ditch it so fast...especially over something so trivial. He deleted me from facebook. I find it funny how the basis of a friendship these days comes down to the simplicity of deleting someone from a social networking site. We're not friends on FB anymore, therefore, we're no longer friends.

The more I live, the more I love, the more I realize I don't care about your reputation or if my shoes match my clothes; I just want to live happily with success and friends. Is there really a point to going through life pushing to be like others or make sure others like you? I guess not, although it happens quite often. I used to sacrifice so much for others...but there's really no point. "This is me, I'm unchangeable." (<---the period goes INSIDE the quotations)

I'm kinda tired from a party last night.

Blog more later :]

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